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Simple tips to Stay stress free this holiday

By December 20, 2016December 11th, 2024No Comments

Break the cycle today! Try our top 5 ways of staying stress-free this Holiday season!

No matter how excited we get, the holiday season comes with its own fair share of stress and anxiety. We start off with the best of intentions but somewhere along the line we start feeling bogged down by all work. Give yourself a real chance of enjoying this festive season by trying our following tips.


Finger food instead of a banquet

Like i said, we always start with good intentions. I always make quite an effort when it comes to Christmas dinners. I have this perfect picture of me cooking all day while listening to Christmas carols and then finally joining all my loved ones for a beautiful dinner. Reality almost always shatters this picture. My day starts off pretty well, but halfway through the day i am exhausted and frazzled. While my guests are enjoying the evening, i am in the kitchen putting the final touches (and yes of course i am a perfectionist!). By the time everyone settles into their dinner, i am craving my bed.

Last Christmas i decided that i had to break this cycle and enjoy Christmas just as much as everyone else. I decided that i would make a nice traditional dinner for only my immediate family (with the help of my family of course) but would stick to making finger food when it comes to entertaining in large numbers. I make sure that i have lots of food but i do not make a banquet. This way i can enjoy the evening with the people i love!

Cut back on your to do list

To-do lists can get out of control this time of the year. Prune your list by prioritising things that are the most important to you and your family. Organise your list in advance and distribute the chores between all family members. This will give you a chance to get through your list without getting overwhelmed. 

Decorate tactfully

The reason Christmas is one of the most popular holidays is because when it comes to decoration, the possibilities are endless! We can get away with decorating pretty much anything (i saw a cat with a mistletoe outside my house the other day!). If you have the time and people to help then decorate away! However the problem starts when there aren't many people to help. It makes more sense to decorate your home like a Christmas card when you have help on hand, but if it is just you then you should probably focus on certain areas only.

The key areas are your door, Christmas tree and a focal point. Hang a nice wreath on your door for your outside decor. Go crazy with the Christmas tree and then choose a focal point to give your home a nice festive feel. The focal point could be anything ranging from your dining table to your fire place. 

Exercise Exercise Exercise!

Yes i said it. I know half of your are groaning right now but the reason you see this advice in every list possible is because it is the one advice that always works! When you are feeling a little stressed out, go for a walk or do a little dance work out in your own lounge. Excersing releases a hormone called endorphin which is sometimes called the 'happy hormone'. This makes us feel calmer and happier, making it the ultimate stress buster! 

Get lots of sleep

Another groan worthy but useful advice for the holiday season. Make sure you get enough sleep because no matter what you do you will suffer from a certain level of anxiety. Try and getting some quality sleep so you can keep your energy levels up and enjoy the day with your loved ones. 

We hope you have a wonderful time this holiday season. I hope that these tips help you in some way. If you have any questions then do not hesitate to get in touch with by either calling me at (09) 909 6560 or you can email me at 

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Happy Holidays from the team at Life Maid Easy!

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